Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Graduation day Fumbles..!!!

Time:08:59 AM

Status:Pillow wet - due to my open mouth..!!

Position:Most awkward -4 limbs in 4 directions..!!

Company:2 cockroaches,1 gecko and a few glittering posters of models on wall...!!

Atmosphere:Best to be in bed...!!

....Beeep..!!.....Beeep Beeep..!!!....Beep Beep Beep..!!!

..I got up in half opened eyes.. looked at the reminder--"Get Up and Shave...!!",it orderd..."Go to Hell -Graduation timing is noon- i m gonna sleep".. i thought..!!

..switched off the reminder, and entered back into my dream-world... " i was riding Harley-Davison.. with a pretty-hot-Blonde behind me... she slowly brought her hands near my face,near my cheeks .. and gave a Tight-Slap...!!!!

..."Get-up you Lazy-Duffer... Always missed your classes at college and now gonna miss your Grad-Day..!!"..

.. i woke up and was shocked to see my Mom standing with cleaning-stick in her hand..Thank god..!! .. i hadn't dreamt of playing a ice-hockey with the blonde..!!

"Move out, i have to clean the room..."
Got up lazily.. went out .. grabbed the remote.. and started watching 'M'..... Himesh was about to start... Not again this stupid - crying song.... i changed to 'V'... Salman was dancing with Sushmita in rain..."Laga Laga Laga re...".. i wondered, how come salman gets all the beautiful girls to dance with...!!-- i remembered My Girl in dream.. if it was not Mom to wake me up.. i would have had a good time, not a Bay-watch kinda Surfing.. but atleast a dance in rain ...!!-- Ohhhkkk... forget it...!!

Time:09:13 AM

Status:Still in my night-pants,with tooth-brush and froth in mouth..!!

Position:Seated Comfortably in front of TV,with legs on a chair..!!

Company:My sister, giving me a sore look..(why doesn't he gets settled down with any-one channel kinda thought in her face..)...!!

:Nice,Aroma coming from kitchen,Breakfast was getting ready...!!

...Riiiiinnnng..!! Ring Ring..!!!..Ring Ring..!!

...The phone started ringing... mom attended the call.. "It's for you.."she said..!!

..My friend was on the line... "Dei,Machi, what doing there in home.. come to Junior guy's room near the college, we all are here... come soon.."

..I saw my sister's face growing bright..(TV Remote atlast..!!- she thought-finally)..

"Yeah.. I ll be there in few mins da.. see you then".. i locked the phone and moved to take a shower....

Time:09:47 AM

Status:A little freshed up..!!

Position:Bent over,Cleaning my bike..!!

Company:Again- My sister, Watching Dexter on Cartoon-Network, (With a thriumph look.. Hey loser, see i ve got the TV Remote)...!!

Atmosphere:A little sunny, wind was from north-eastern direction with a mix of moisture, forecasting a possible shower in evening...!!


"Mom .. I m starting to College.. see you there at noon.. "..I said and left...

....Now enough of Direction and sound-effects..!!!

Reached the room by some 15 mins.. Moved in- sat down- with a comfortable posture.. and started to chat,it was almost a year since we all guys were together at one place, .. how the time went nobody could guess...it was almost 12:30 PM...so, we decided to go to college now, and visit our faculties and HOD..and of course.. our graduation-day.. it was suppose to start by 1:30...

In my college days ,..i was crazy of a girl in my next class .. Her name was "Tataka"(Name changed due to privacy reasons..!!)...She was'nt soo beautiful,nor so tall or figured...but something in her drove me crazy.. and my heart-pace increases,..when she passes by me..!!...
Her cute-smile,stylish-wet-hair mixed in coconut-oil..!!..
I always wanted to speak to her,but never got much chances,though i got a few times - never created an oppurtunity.. and don't mistake people, it was a pure 'CRAZE' and nothing else is there to speak about .. Coz,Few of you here might interpret this to be some complex-stuff as "Love" or something else,...

Finally... I had lunch in the cafetria with my friends..it was arranged by the college.. met most of the people, got their company mail-ids.. mobile-numbers... probably with an idea of staying in touch...and .. Lunch was not-bad..!!

After three -to-four ice-cream cups going down my throat, the supplier at the counter began to think.."Poor, Chap....!!--must have come from a drought affected area..".. so, i don't wanted to stay there longer...

I started moving towards the auditorium, with a blank-head.. what's this..!!-Ive completed my graduation..is this for what i joined this college..??..and thousands of unanswered questions pondering my mind... Suddenly a well- known voice sounded.."Haaaaaaiiiiiiiiii..!!"...

In an instant, i knew who it was.."My mouth went dry... My heart-beat raced..."...
.. as I saw Tataka coming straight toward me.. waving, with a most-beautiful smile, i ve ever seen.. "Come on you, dumb-guy.. speak up.. say, Hi.. or ..Hello..or..How re you.. or Something..come-on".. i took courage, after-all i won't be hanged for a simple "Hi"..

..Again i thought... would she have missed me..???-- saying Hi...that too with an extra-ordinary smile... i pacified my heart-beat... started towards her with a gentle-smile... She went past me, and held hand of the girl coming right behind me.... "POP..!!".. was a sound..!!-- May be my cardiac-wall ruptured.. or was it a mild heart-attack... Shit..!!- i thought-Fine, Smiled upon my stupid thoughts, laughed at myself and move towards the convocation hall..!!


Anonymous said...

I cant understand if the blog describes the graduation day or Miss.X.

Anonymous said...

Well... it describes ,HOW the Grad'day had been with Miss.X around... :)