Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hey there, Do we have a Back-up copy of Earth !

The story we call the environmental crisis is nothing more than a human crisis. If we pay attention, we will hear in it our own story, echoing back to us from a deep horizon.
Learning to listen is so important now because, in a way, we have all recently been blinded. Everyone learns to see the world through the lens of native-culture. For tens of thousands of years, those countless cultures all of them cultivated the natural curiousness of children about the unknown, into knowledgeable adulthood.
At their root, they taught people to see the environment as enchanted, brought to life by an external agent (read it as 'God' or 'Big Bang' as it suits).
This enchanted-place was not called ‘nature,’ or the ‘natural world,’ then. Nor was the immense knowledge of the world people acquired and passed on named ‘the natural sciences.’ Most importantly, cultures accumulated a continuous treasure of beneficial knowledge piled generation upon generation as a whole and recognized the living connection between everything on earth, beneath its soils, above in skies, and in its sweet and salty waters,of the rivers and oceans.
They further connected this with the spirit of life that ran through it all from a Living Source beyond in the realm of the Unseen (atoms - the invisible building blocks). Never would they flatten the cycle of life into a one dimensional chronological line. Never would they sever worldly life from its otherworldly(heavenly) origin, splitting life in two, calling this part “sensible,” and therefore real, and that part “insensible,” and therefore irrelevant.

Because of their holistic understanding of the world themselves in 'Physical-Matter' and 'Physical-Matter' in them, come to them from a Life-Source apart(abiogenesis) they understood that they were to live in it, work from, work with, and on the portion of it in their immediate grasp, and take care of it so that it would remain there for them and their children, grandchildren, and furthest posterity.
They also knew that their offenses against Earth(Physical-Matter) were violations against the Natural-cycle and would inevitably be met with own hand-made disaster directly affecting their vicinity, if left uncorrected.They called this Divine Judgment, or the Knowledge of Unknown(read it as 'God' or 'the Undiscovered science').
Such was the wisdom of man. In only the last few centuries, however, this most basic intelligence and outlook has been lost to us. Steadily, but abruptly, we have accepted to wear lenses that cut life from its Source and ourselves from our own environments. And because of this, we have generation-by-generation killed-off the native curiosity of our children and forgotten how even to live in our own localities.
In the place of the continuum of human knowledge bequeathed to us by our predecessors, we have assumed an incapacitating reliance on mechanized world-spanning control systems for the very bread we put into our mouths, the water we drink, the fire we kindle, the land we live on, the shelter we repose in, even for the cloth to cover our own nakedness.
This humiliating dependence on collectivized, unnatural(dehumanized) enterprise has disabled our hearts. For even if we claim belief in the "Ultimate Source of All" as alive or just matter,nothing changes, we can no longer see the Provider as actually providing.
We look on these interlocking control structures—what modern scientists have accurately called for short, “the system” as giving us our provision. This has proven a most fatal error, for it forfeits the prime human-right: Freedom to verify the single thread of truth running through all reality (Call it the molecules/atoms or quarks or energy or mass ): All else is one fellowship of a Singular-Source (Call it Big-Bang or God): so that man can make of himself, his society, and his environment a living witness to the basic-rules of the One source:which in the end must cycle back into a continuous esthetically of beauty, reflecting the infinite splendor of the sublime process. Herein reside the two qualities upholding the delicate interlace of our earthly human architecture: Dignity and rectitude.
To replace in our hearts a faith ,that earth can be a better place, the All-Living, with a dead matrix is surely the ill-fated exchange which the modern-science decries: What a barbaric transaction? It strips men of their mutual respect, or responsibility, making Gods by Dozens and Scores out of material-matter, exploiters and ravenous blood-letters and when the civilized Aliens would see this in us, perhaps on the pattern of the unknown, destroyed vicegerents of the earth our kind may have succeeded - These Aliens would spit on our faces, and call us a disgrace to the Universe, we will be a life that are not worth to live on a planet that provided everything, and still the greedy-man wanted for more and raped the planet.

Believing that the system that caused man to abandon his trust, to care for the environment. It renders him unconscious that all things on the earth—the animals, plants, elements, and minerals—the earth, mountains, and sky themselves—are consciously alive by the touch of the very scientific terms (atoms buzzing around everywhere), communicating and complying with the momentary command of the One Sublime, though we may not perceive their discourse and actions.
It tricks man into substituting mere crumbs falling from the lowly table of market-interest for the opulent grace of the morality, and thereby to upset the Heavenly Control-System, the delicate balance of the very Universe, that originally set and then bequeathed to care us.


Post Inspirations: "An Inconvenient Truth" and "The 11th Hour"

Global warming is the bigger issue, which is eclipsed by smaller issues like Religion, War and Swine-Flu.

~ Insanity in individuals is something rare, but in groups, politics, nations and epochs it is the rule

Monday, August 03, 2009

A mere coincidence - (A)Theist Point of View

I was walking out of the Al-Haram (the Ka'bah in Makkah) and saw a man begging from
everyone whosoever passed by him.

A man who had parked his tinted Mercedes excessively close to the Haram in a designated VIP parking walked passed by the beggar on his way to get back to his car. As he pulled the keys out and the alarm did the 'whup whup', the beggar raised his finger to the sky and said, "Please, for the sake of Allah!"

Trying to end the moment and avoid a dip into the pocket, the Mercedes man said back, "Allah will provide!"

The beggar replied: "What! Did you at any moment think that I thought YOU were my provider! I'm not asking for your provision, I KNOW Allah will provide for me."
The two stood there staring at one another for a moment and then the Mercedes tinted windows came up and the man drove away.

An ordinary African sister who was sitting nearby on the street selling clothes was moved by the incident. She did not have much, but from what she did have, she pulled out a riyal and placed it in the hands of that beggar.

He smiled and went on his way.

Possibly, Meanwhile the Mercedes man could not drive on with the choke of guilt.
I saw him come back made his way through the crowd to the place where the incident had happened.
I saw with as he pulled out a 10 riyal bill from his briefcase to give it to the beggar, and he looked left and right but could not find him. What was he to do?
He had already pulled out the bill to give for the sake of Allah and was not going to put it back. So he found the nearest person he thought was worthy of the bill, placed it in her lap and went on his way.

The 10 riyals sat in the lap of the African sister who had given the riyal to the beggar!

The Messenger had said that Allah's injunction is:

"O my servants ! Spend and you will be given." [Bukhari, Muslim]

The Messenger said that "Charity does not diminish wealth." [Tibrani]

(May Allah Give you Reward)

- Quite and Quite entirely off, from my normal posts.
This mail was shared by one of my close friend, with a condition that i must put this up on my blog, without knowing the content in it - i accepted, and frankly i had to keep my promise to her.

Insane Lesson:
Rushing into promises could take a toll, if you are a man of words. (Ewwwwwww!!)