Thursday, February 18, 2010

How fake is the system ?

Not so difficult to deal with, Only, if you knew what the Truth is !

Lying is not always bad, to be sure; there are times when a lie is more profitable and better for the general welfare, and for reconciliation among people, than the truth.

Don't you agree that J.K.Rowling has been lying all the way since her first book, "The philosopher's stone" ?
But let's analyze here, who has benefited, The Author and The Publisher, and now recently the "Warner Bros."
Did that lie, the lie of a boy riding on broomstick, help a man dying of hunger and thirst in remote part of the earth ?

On analysis we find, it definitely might have helped an elite's daughter/son for a bed-time read.

The Question is, What would 'Harry Potter' mean to anyone who hasn't known the smell of bread for weeks ?

A man in such distress and pain would bless a person bringing him water, not the one who speaks stories.

The number one reason people are suffering, those suffering due to hate, war and poverty: the number one reason is because of our Religion.

And we worship money, we worship money. God is Money.

All the life one has been looking for God, and just check, He's right in your pocket.

We all go to the same Prayer-halls, the prayer-halls of ATM.

Everywhere you look there's a new branch popping up … remind you about how much money you got and how much money you don't got.

And if you got less than a hundred bucks, the machine won't even talk to you. The machine is like, "You better go see the bank".
You go to bank and try to take out forty-five bucks. It's disgusting , you gotta wait on that long line, people doing real transactions in front of you, you get on to the front, you fill out your form, 45 /-.

The cashier looks at it, then look at you, then again looks at the check, he doesn't even take the money out of the drawer, he takes it out of his pocket, "Here you go, get outta here."
The very plight of thousands living in small-towns and villages.

How much humanity is left in us ? - We are increasingly getting into a selfish lifestyle, of working hard to build The Pyramid. The Pyramid of Money, the never ending pyramid - all the life in the world would be exhausted but the pyramid won't complete.

Ever imagined how many labors/slaves were employed in building the pyramid series in South-America, Egypt, South Asia, and almost similar structures all over in other parts in world. The skill required, the time, the resources - almost as good as a modern Corporate.
Now, is that what i mentioned, a modern corporate - a pyramidal structure?

We are doing the same thing, the same thing that Israelites were doing to the Pharoah, we are not allowed to think, but work blindly and survive - let the losers die, they ain't worth.
"Are you an engineering graduate ? - now here join my corporation" - the offer for slavery. Not the one like the Egyptian-Pharaohs used, but nothing less either. The reality is 'You are a Slave'.

The motto of all organizations is, "You only think & work for 'us', we pay you", and their advice "Be selfish, you will survive." But who created this system ?, The system that demands you to be rich to save your arse, while those not rich suffer. I tell you what, I hate this system. I hate this system, that justifies oppression and keeps you enslaved to money all your life.
I am no communist , but the voice of a poor malnourished-child dying somewhere in remote Asia or Africa.

So, is Lying good ?

Did i just told you a lie ?

~ The Pharaoh of this Pyramid, does not want you to complete it. You will work your life off, and then you will know that the Pyramid was never meant to be completed, but instead it was designed to keep you as a Slave all along, until your death.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

"Crap happens"

"A Saturated Mind is the most dangerous thing, that threatens the very existence of an individual. So, Greed is Divine "

Employed: Yes
Organization: Hewlett-Packard
Package: Fat-Purse
Career Ambitions: None !
State of Mind: Rotting filth !
The workplace is filled with different kinds of people, each with their own goals and ambitions in life. People here seem to have set their life goals since they were children and have always seemed to know what they were going to do with their lives while may be few others realized what they wanted in their lives at a later age; however, there are people like me who never really had any plan for life.

Regardless of the reason for losing interest in goals, My mind goes mad over the questions, “What am I doing, what do I want and why am I even here?”
Not having a direction in life, or not knowing what you really want out of life can become troubling over time. Without any goals or real ambitions, doing the same monotonous job might seem fine, though one never really get anything out of it.

I believe as one gets older, it is inevitable one will come to know " Man, I screwed up my Life on this shit-hole, for the whole damn lifetime !".
Since, work takes up a good portion of one’s life, which is why one should be sure they enjoy what they are doing.

My Saturated Mind Said: "The best thing I can think of doing is to keep looking and working until I find the job I am happy with."
The Wild Oppressed Other Half Echoed: "Damn you. Damn your hopes, damn your dreams, damn your plans … damn everything you thought this life was going to bring to you. Now let's go out there and try to make this bitch named`career` happy."

Shit happens, and then you die