Monday, June 25, 2007

A Matter of Life or Death...

Well here you are
at the edge of the abyss...

at the beginning of infinity
heaven or hell

an afterlife
or a nothingness

or an eternity of suffering ?

Does anyone really know ?

Why have you come here ?
What do you need ?

To Find a Way to Live ?
or To Find a Way To Die ?

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

I feel happy, I feel pretty good, I feel normal.

I am grateful.

It's been 23 years now that my life stay

on earth has been voluntary.

You have a chance right now

to start your life over

instead of trying to end it.

You can resurrect yourself

from this living death

to restore and re-start your life anew.

~ Insane

1 comment:

Ponnarasi Kothandaraman said...

Ahem! :) How am i here? No offense jus curious 2 know! :)